Chicken Omelette Recipe

Chicken Omelette Recipe

All out: 10 mins - Prep: 5 mins - Cook: 5 mins - Yield: 1 omelet (serves 1)

Filling and scrumptious, this chicken omelet is more similar to a lunch than a morning meal! It's brimming with destroyed chicken, nutty gruyere cheddar, and hacked spinach. All the nutrition types when you serve it close by dried up bread and a little side plate of mixed greens with a light vinegary dressing.

This omelet is overly simple to whip together, particularly in the event that you have remaining rotisserie chicken, however it possesses a flavor like it took throughout the day and looks excessively great.


4 eggs (beaten)

Salt and pepper

1 teaspoon olive oil

1/3 cup cooked, destroyed chicken

2 tablespoons destroyed gruyere cheddar

2 tablespoons hacked spinach


1-Gather your fixings.

2-Whisk the eggs until the yolks and whites are totally consolidated. Include salt and pepper. You can add more to taste later.

3-Heat the teaspoon of oil in a non-stick or cast iron skillet on high. Twirl the oil around so it totally coats the base of the skillet.

4-Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet and turn the warmth down to low. Whirl the eggs to totally coat the base of the container.

5-Using an elastic spatula pull the egg from the outside edge into the inside, uncovering portions of the container so the egg can cook totally. At that point disregard the omelet for one more moment or two. Make sure to cook it on low warmth with the goal that it doesn't darker to an extreme.

6-Warm the chicken marginally in the microwave or on the stovetop before adding it to the omelet—it won't get hot enough to totally warmth up the majority of the chicken. Include the destroyed chicken, destroyed gruyere, and cleaved spinach to half of the omelet. Cook for 30 seconds.

7-Fold the other portion of the omelet over the highest point of the filling. cook for an additional 30 seconds to a moment or until the cheddar has dissolved.

8-Serve with a little spinach plate of mixed greens and some dried up bread!
