Avocado Frog Toast Recipe

Avocado Frog Toast Recipe


Bread cut of your decision, ideally a white or light entire wheat

a little hover cut from un-toasted bread, cut down the middle

Half of a ready Avocado

Nori (Seaweed Wrapper)

Sriracha or Ketchup



1-Toast the bread to your inclination.

2-Mash the avocado with a fork.

3-Slather the crushed avocado over the toast in a smooth layer.

4-Place the bread parts on the highest point of the bread as the eyes.

5-Cut four little circles from the kelp to complete the frog eyes and make the nose gaps. A sharp pair of scissors works the best to remove the pieces.

6-Cut a mouth out of the kelp.

7-Place the mouth on the toast and squirt two smalls Sriracha hovers on the edge of each side of the mouth.

8-Sprinkle with salt and appreciate!
