American study : Sports improves mood and limits the emergence of mental illness

American study : Sports improves mood and limits the emergence of mental illness

A recent study by US researchers has shown that exercise limits the appearance of symptoms of mental illness and improves mood, which may even apply to household chores.
According to the American study, published in the journal "Lancet Saikarti", sport has a greater impact on those with history with depression. Noting that the feeling of those who exercise in a bad psychological state decreased by 3.8 days a month on average, compared to those who never did
"Those who exercise are more psychologically healthy than those who do not, especially those who exercise three to five times a week for 45 minutes," said Adam Chicrood, a psychologist at Yale University in Connecticut
"This study confirms the multiple health benefits of exercise regardless of age, race, gender, income, or physical condition, a minimum of 30 minutes minimum, and every exercise, including walking, is related to reducing mental health problems
